Anggriani Austin, S.IP, Journal Systems<p>PALITO (Politics, Humanities, Laws, International Relations and Social) is a journal published by Andalas Institute of International Studies (ASSIST) as a platform dedicated to a better understanding of international issues that aims to develop international studies.</p> Amerika Serikat Menjatuhkan Sanksi Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanction Act (CAATSA) ke Turki Tahun 20202024-07-16T15:54:05+07:00Hasnita Hasnitahasnita685@gmail.comMuhammad<p><em>This research aims to explain and analyze the reasons behind the United States' considerations before imposing CAATSA sanctions on Turkey in 2020. The issue in this study arises when Turkey, a member of the United States military alliance, decides to engage in military cooperation with Russia concerning the purchase of the Russian S-400 missile system. As a result of this action, the United States issued a policy by excluding Turkey from the F-35 program. This US policy was sufficient to address US concerns about the Russian S-400 missile, which, according to the United States, could jeopardize their F-35 system. Considering Turkey's presence as a crucial part of the US alliance is important to counter Russian influence in the Middle East, especially in the Syrian conflict, in addition to the strained US-Turkey relations at the time. However, in 2020, the United States still imposed CAATSA sanctions on Turkey regarding the S-400 cooperation. Through the conceptual framework of Paul R. Viotti and Mark V. Kauppi, namely National Security Policy, which explains that there are four variables that influence a country's foreign policy formulation: National Interest, Threats, Opportunities, and Capabilities. Through this framework, we will explain the considerations made by the United States in imposing CAATSA sanctions on Turkey in 2020 using these four variables, allowing the author to analyze the rational reasons behind the US decision to sanction Turkey. This research employs a qualitative research method with a descriptive analysis approach using secondary sources such as official government websites, expert journals, and several books on International Relations theory. The author found that the reasons for the US imposing CAATSA sanctions on Turkey include its national interests in the Middle East, the threat posed by Russia, the opportune timing for imposing sanctions as CAATSA had just been enacted into law, and the high capability of the US as a superpower to impose sanctions on its allies.</em></p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci: </strong><strong><em>United States, CAATSA, Foreign Policy, S-400 Cooperation, Turkey, F-35</em></strong></p> <h1> </h1>2024-06-05T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Palito Isu Separatisme Oleh India Sebagai Justifikasi Pencabutan Otonomi Kashmir2024-07-30T16:19:57+07:00Harry Prananda Syahputra Daulayharryprananda21@gmail.comDr. Apriwan, S.Sos., Setyaka S.IP.,<p><em>This study examines the securitisation of Kashmir's separatism by the Indian government. This study argues that the government of India's securitisation effort seems like an initial step to revoke Kashmir's special autonomy. This study employed a securitisation framework, emphasising how two main stages of securitisation shape and influence the securitising process, including raising the issue and convincing the audience. I used a qualitative method by using descriptive analysis and secondary data sources. The Finding highlights that in the staging of raising the issue, the Indian government used media and political parties as speech act arena. In convincing the audience, Indian political elites and Indian society become other domains in addressing Kashmir's separatism. Consequently, this thesis argues that revoking Kashmir's autonomy becomes a rational action and has acceptability in public discourse.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: India, Narendra Modi, Securitization, Separatism.</em></strong></p>2024-08-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Palito Di Tiongkok Setelah Kesepakatan Three NOs2024-07-15T17:00:50+07:00Zahara Yusmindazaharayusminda23@gmail.comMuhammad Anggraini<div><em><span lang="EN-US">On 2016, diplomatic relations between South Korea and Tiongkok deteriorated because THAAD. During the THAAD crisis,Tiongkok banned all activities related to the hallyu. Moon Jae In offering Three Nos agreement to Tiongkok try to improve diplomatic relations. This research aims to describe and analyze South Korea’s effort in dissemination the Hallyu in Tiongkok afterthe Three Nos agreement uses the Image Restoration concept written by William </span>L. Benoit. Strategies contained in image restoration theory are denial: simple denial and shift the blame, evasion of responbility: provocation, defeasbility, accident, good intensions, reducing offensivnes of event: bolstering, minimization, differentiation, transcendence, attack accuser, compensation, corrective action, and mortification. The research methoed used is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach and uses library research in data collection. Researchers found that the strategy used by South Korea was bolstering by involving EXO CBX and Song Hye Kyo in diplomatic activites with Tiongkok and compensation by using Chinese idols to promote the Hallyu in Tiongkok.</em></div>2024-06-05T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Palito SUDAN MENYEPAKATI PERJANJIAN ABRAHAM ACCORDS DENGAN ISRAEL TAHUN 20212024-07-23T18:19:31+07:00Azmie Savira Azmie<table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="593"> <table width="100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p> </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p>Pada tahun 2021, Sudan dan Israel secara resmi menandatangani Perjanjian <em>Abraham Accords</em> yang berisi kesepakatan untuk menormalisasi hubungan dengan Israel. Sudan dan Israel sebelumnya tidak pernah menjalin hubungan karena keberpihakan dan dukungannya terhadap Palestina serta sebagai anggota Liga Arab dan Organisasi Kerja Sama Islam (OKI). Adanya kesepakatan tersebut mengejutkan banyak pihak karena sejak awal Sudan telah menunjukkan perlawanannya terhadap Israel. Keputusan tersebut juga membuat Sudan mendapatkan berbagai respon negatif karena dianggap telah mengkhianati usaha dan perjuangan kemerdekaan Palestina dari Israel. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis mengapa Sudan menyepakati Perjanjian <em>Abraham Accords</em>. Penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan konsep <em>Rational Actor Model </em>oleh Graham T. Allison. Ada pun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif jenis eksplanatif dengan memanfaatkan data sekunder. Berdasarkan konsep yang digunakan, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa mengapa Sudan menyepakati perjanjian tersebut karena besarnya keuntungan yang akan didapat Sudan dibandingkan kerugiannya, seperti memperkuat hubungan bilateral dengan Israel dan Amerika Serikat, membuka peluang kerja sama dan bantuan dari negara lain, termasuk Amerika Serikat dan sekutunya, penghapusan Sudan dari daftar <em>state sponsor terrorism</em> oleh Amerika Serikat di mana penghapusan ini dapat membuka peluang hubungan, kerja sama dan bantuan dari negara-negara sekutu Israel dan Amerika Serikat serta adanya dukungan politik dari Israel dan Amerika Serikat.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>In 2021, Sudan and Israel officially signed the Abraham Accords Agreement which contains an agreement to normalize relations with Israel. Sudan and Israel have never established relations because of their support for Palestine and as members of the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). This agreement was surprising because Sudan had shown its resistance and made Sudan receive various negative responses because it was considered to have betrayed the struggle for Palestinian independence from Israel. This research aims to analyze why Sudan agreed to the Abraham Accords and is analyzed using the concept of the Rational Actor Model by Graham T. Allison. The method used is an explanatory qualitative type using secondary data. Based on this concept, it is found why Sudan agreed to this agreement, namely because of the large benefits that Sudan will gain, such as strengthening relations with Israel and the United States, opening up opportunities for cooperation and assistance from other countries, including the United States and its allies, eliminating Sudan from state sponsors of terrorism which can open up opportunities for cooperation and assistance from allied countries, Israel and the United States, as well as political support from these two countries.</em> </p> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="594"> <table width="100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p> </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p> </p>2024-08-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Palito